Szőttes Manor House – Csorvás


Csorvás – Reöck
Manor House

Let this manor house be the symbol of the glory of the past,
the work of the present and the hope of the future.

The Weaving and Sewing Workshop of Hudák Family was founded in 1989 by Józsefné Hudák, folk artist and her family. It has been a family enterprise since that time which has been operated by Mariann Hudák, Príma Award holding masterpiece and attire maker and Csaba Hudák.

In our workshop in Csorvás we make products which are juried by the Hungarian Applied Folk Art Department and are supplied with individual jury number, but at the same time they are designed for the people of the present time. These are woven pieces, linens and men’s and women’s costumes. Our special field is the Hungarian civilian and noble customes, which are made from French velvet, cashmere, brocade and shantung. These are own designed and made pieces for individual sizes both for men and women. Among them there are Bocskai suits, fancy jackets and wedding gowns. We are often requested also by choirs and dance groups to make special wear for their performances as well.

We have participated in a number of dress presentations and exhibitions and represented our country abroad among others in Milan, Brussels, Murten, Liepzig, Paris, London and Ulm.

The Association for Folk Art of Csorvás was founded in 2009 with 11 members. At present it has more than 50 traditionalist supporting members who help our work with their knowledge e.g. physicians, lawyers and other enthusiastic supporters. Our woven tapestries and individual Hungarian civilian and noble attires have been awarded with several awards and certificates. We have been very proud of being the member of the Békés County Collection of Values.


We are waiting for the interested visitors in our Workshop in Csorvás, in the Szőttes Manor House at the edge of the town, but on the God’s palm.

The Reöck Manor House was built by the landowner József Reöck based on the plans of Miklós Ybl in 1880.

In its form it was identical with the Kis-major Manor House which was destroyed at the beginning of the 1950s. The Manor House had famous guests, among others the painter Mihály Munkácsy who used the musicians of the inn of Csorvás to be the models to his famous painting titled The moaning outlaw. The Manor House was also visited by Earl Albert Apponyi and Archduke Joseph during their travels to Csorvás.

After the Second World War the land and the manor house were nationalized, and then used as a store for agricultural machines. In the 1960s it was donated to the local cooperative farm.

We became the proud owners of the manor house much later.

Till now we have never asked for any support to our activities. Both the operation and the object and tool purchases as well as any other development have been solved on our own. However, at present it has been decided that the results of the several decades long research, collecting and development activities and the professional experiences should be presented to the wide audience of the country and the world. The Hungarian folk art is marvellous, just it has been forgotten.

Our task is to demonstrate this marvellous art to people and to make it widely known, however, not in the form of ‘hussar and gingerbread’ sob stuff, but in an aesthetic, wearable and usable modern form. Lots of groups of visitors have been coming to our workshop for many years. We say we work as an open workshop…

The miraculous hand made products are shown in their original environment. You have just to recognize and show these produces and make them available to people.


Thus for the first time in the country, a DEMONSTRATION ROOM FOR LOCAL PRODUCTS has been opened, where lots of interesting objects and products are waiting for the small and the adults.

The reconstruction of the manor house planned by Miklós Ybl, which is the home of our family workshop, was decided several decades ago. We have been working in it for more than twenty years, sometimes in better, sometimes in worth conditions. But its emanating spirit has always been felt. Our dreams have come true thanks to the present project.


The manor house could be reconstructed and filled with new content for the further generations by the help of the project titled Szőttes Manor House – Csorvás, ID No. TOP-1.2.1-15-BS1-2016-00022. In the frames of the project 278 million HUF have been used for the reconstruction of the building which includes the showroom and the workshop, where the knowledge can be passed on to the new generations in modern, 21st century conditions.

In the renovated manor house a showroom available for bigger events has been developed. Besides the exhibition of woven products, Hungarian cord decorated attire and handmade folk art products, the building is going to give home to different courses where the participants can study among others weaving, spinning, sewing, macrame making and embroidering.

The building has been renovated inside and outside, the terraces have been rebuilt, and new sewing machines and authentical furniture have been purchased. The project was realized by an European Union support within the frames of the Programme Széchenyi 2020.

Let this manor house be the symbol of the glory of the past, the work of the present and the hope of the future.


Some of our programmes:

  • Presentation of every day and festive garments of citizens and nobles of Viharsarok with active programmes
  • Organizing of peasant weddings with active participation of our guests
  • Presentation of the Workshop as well as demonstration of sewing and weaving which can be practiced by the interested visitors
  • Narration of true stories and legends of the region and the building
  • Sewing of ragdolls and other traditional dolls as well as sewing of toy doll clothes
  • Embroidering on individually woven fabrics, drawing of needlework patterns chosen from the traditional patters of the region
  • Creative room: folding textile flowers, making gift boxes, cabinet strips and other beautiful objects
  • Presentation of the Hungarian garments and trying of the presented attires, taking photos and making certificates of merit
  • Programmes in the garden: baking scones in the oven, making Hungarian lángos in front of the fire and other gastronomic specialities
  • Presentation of herbs, preparation of individual herb mixtures using individual recipes and lectures on use and effects of herbs
  • Gift shop



Tanya 183, Csorvás, H-5920


Telephone numbers:






If you have decided to visit us please call the above numbers or use the given E-mail addresses to write to us as for the visit prior appointment is required.